Malaria Project

MOVE is implementing the UNDP Malaria project with partnership of PPHDs in Kabul, Daikundi  and Badghis provinces.Over the last year since commencement of the project, MOVE welfare organization team implement the project objectives and activities in a collaborative manner with Kabul and Daikundi PPHDs Malaria teams and community influence holders.  The Malaria project staff and a broad group of stakeholders were involved to explore the potential for nurturing and deepening systems for attracting the efforts for Malaria project implementation.


A: Total population of Kabul province 672,400. Priority target groups have been chosen 12,351 women of childbearing age, 183 health workers+ 99 lab +128 CHSs and 904 CHWs.

B: Total population of Daikundi province 560,329. Priority target groups are 56 health workers, 15 lab technicians, 24 CHSs and 611 CHWs.

Based on project plan MOVE succeed to achieved over all project targets, and provide cooperation and coordination with stakeholders. All the steps have been followed based on agreed project contract with consideration, follow up of MOVE services and procurement policies and procedure.  To document how Malaria project approaches and activities support efforts to control malaria, in Kabul and Daikundi provinces desk review of documented activities and results across provincial health directorates malaria department and SEHAT I and II projects (Kabul and Daikundi) was conducted. The review was followed by key informant interviews with projects staff, PPHDs Malaria department and other implementing partners(NGOs).


The project aims to achieve global objective of the Malaria program, which is to reduce avoidable mortality and morbidity among the population living in Kabul and Daikundi provinces, specifically women and children.

1) To reduce maternal and child mortality caused by burden of Malaria.

2) To increase capacity of Health workers working in BPHS – HFs on malaria control.

3) To increase capacity of community Health workers, Community Health Supervisors and the local community on malaria control.

Malaria project team held regular meetings with PPHDs staff to discuss the implementation of activities in PPHDs -supported health facilities. The discussions included the planned malaria activities (trainings for the health practitioners, community health supervisors and community health workers, reporting system and supply systems).  For good performance and implementation of Governmental low an MoU between KPPHD and MOVE were signed, Malaria project team also participated in PHCC meetings to discuss the MLIS tools, Reports of Malaria project progress, established the reporting system between KPPHD and other stakeholders agreed


Over the last year since commencement of the project, MOVE welfare organization team implement the project objectives and activities in a collaborative manner with Kabul and Daikundi PPHDs Malaria teams and community influence holders.  The Malaria project staff and a broad group of stakeholders were involved to explore the potential for nurturing and deepening systems for attracting the efforts for Malaria project implementation.

Malaria project team held regular meetings with PPHDs staff to discuss the implementation of activities in PPHDs -supported health facilities. The discussions included the planned malaria activities (trainings for the health practitioners, community health supervisors and community health workers, reporting system and supply systems).  For good performance and implementation of Governmental low a MoU between KPPHD and MOVE were signed, Malaria project team also participated in PHCC meetings to discuss the MLIS tools, Reports of Malaria proje

Based on project plan MOVE succeed to achieved over all project targets, and provide cooperation and coordination with stakeholders. All the steps have been followed based on agreed project contract with consideration, follow up of MOVE services and procurement policies and procedure.

Kabul and Daikondi Output indicators Target Achievement % achievement
VC-3(M): Number of long-lasting insecticidal nets distributed to targeted risk groups through continuous distribution 4034 5563 137 %
CM-1a(M): Number of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test at public sector health facilities (RDTs and Microscopy) 56132 38424 65.8 %
CM-2a(M): Number of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment at public sector health facilities 8503 9938 109 %
CM-1b(M): Number of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test in the community 13058 11817 79.4 %
CM-2b(M): Number of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment in the community 2469 3853 131%
CM-other 1: Proportion of confirmed malaria cases among total reported malaria cases (presumed and confirmed) 96 27% 27%
Number of health practitioners trained on RDTs and MTG 235 365 155 %
Number of CHS competed refresher training 152 163 107 %
Number of CHWs completed refresher training 1526 1534 100.5  %
Number of participants attended community awareness event (230 participants per province) 460 663 142 %
Number of supervisory visit conducted (Kabul to province and Province to district level) 64 50 78 %

•   During the year 364 In-charge of HFs, 163 CHSs and 1534 CHW trained on Malaria case management and reporting system, Malaria commodities (treatment charts, medicines and RDT) have been distributed to all HFs and HPs SEHAT- I & II projects, PPHDs and other health providers in Kabul and Daikundi (NGOs). 20 batch of trainings for health providers were conducted, totally 364 head of HFs from 115 HFs of Kabul and 79 HFs of Daikundi province and 163 CHSs trained on RDT and MTG also 1534 CHW from Kabul and Daikundi trained on RDT and MTG.

•  Supply of Malaria commodity to all HFs done (Premaquine, AL and Reporting formats and suppled all HFs to RDT that not have laboratory facilities)

•  Distribution of LLIN through ANS visits in Sorubi district 7 health facilities

•  Regular supervisory and monitoring visits were conducted (province to province and district to districts)

• Regular monthly and quarterly reporting system established and followed.

As a result of this initiatives from 50241 suspected Malaria cases in HFs and HPs of Kabul and Daikundi provinces 13791 confirmed and treated based on national treatment guideline and for prevention of Mother and Childs from Malaria, 5563 LLINs were distributed through ANC visits in endemic area of project catchment areas.

Trainings: Total target of CHW and CHSs training were achieved. With approval of UNDP we facilitated and conduct training for all NGOs that have reporting system to KPPHD as an extra activity than project work plan and reached 55% over from the project target.

Malaria Community awareness, community awareness, meetings conducted in Kabul by MOVE malaria team and KPPHD totally 664 people that included of community leaders, health Shuras, Molahs (religious leaders), Women Shuras, school teachers and students were attend in this session.

Partnerships, MOVE Malaria project works closely with its partners and actively participates in standing technical communities such as PHCC meeting UNDP and NMLCP monthly coordination meetings. MOVE malaria project has been fully engaged with the UNDP, NMLCP, KPPHD and DPPHD. MOVE continue to provide technical assistance to HFs and HPs to implement and use the new Malaria treatment guideline in services.  ct progress, stablished the reporting system between KPPHD and other stakeholders agreed.

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