Community Health Nursing Education Program:

The specific objective of the program is to train and deploy female community health nurses in rural underserved communities of Badghis, Nimroz, Daikundi and Ghor provinces.

The projects are funded by GF/HSS/MoPH and World Bank/MoPH implementing by MOVE with MoPH/GIHS standard criteria’s. Through the CHNE Program, about 113 female students trained for a period of 24 months on GIHS standard CHNEP curricula and deployed to BPHS –HFs of Ghor, Daikundi and Nimroz provinces, while 96 female students from Daikundi, Bamyan, Badghis and Kabul provinces have selected and enrolled to the program, they will be trained according to the curricula and deployed to BPHS-HFs of these provinces.

The schools are furnished according to the facility development standards, the schools have been following the theoretical and practical tasks based on projects work plan, all facilities provided accommodation for students. The trainers and course coordinators attended the faculty development programs in GIHS, in addition, HMIS, RUD, teaching methods and IMCI training are provided to the trainers to enable them for standard teaching skills. Project coordinators provided technical and managerial supports to schools teams on effective coordination, planning, management, implementation, capacity building and monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and supervision of the projects have been done on quarterly bases by HQ staff, in addition, Daikundi CHNE course coordinator has been participated in women empowerment and leadership workshop in USA.

The CHNE program for Bamyan, Badghis, Daikundi and Kabul provinces are successfully established, the students are selected and enrolled to the program, the training are going according to the schedule. The educational modules including skill lab, science lab and practical work in hospital are successfully covered according to academic calendar.

The quality improvement activities followed based on project work plan in different aspects; each school established a quality improvement committee followed their activities based on their action plans. Course coordinators conducted regular monthly trainer’s evaluation in classroom, skills lab and hospital according to GIHS standard tools during the reporting period.

Trainer’s evaluation, supervision, monitoring and students’ knowledge assessment at the end of each module have been conducted. Written and verbal feedbacks were provided based on finding for trainers and students to improve their performance.

Project assessments conducted by course coordinators, project coordinators and CHNEP/AMNEAB team. Feedback was given, action plan prepared accordingly and followed for quality improvement.

Assessment result trend for Nimroz CHNEP:

During this period, the faculty development activities followed based on work plan, 3rd and 4th semester of Nimroz, Dikundi and Ghor CHNEPs were finished and final exams taken.  All students passed the end of semester’s knowledge assessments. Course coordinators and trainers attended the 4th FDP workshop in GIHS. All schools and hostels were set upped according to project contract and program standards.

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