GBV Projects:
Gender-Based Violence and Humanitarian Aid Project is one of the projects implemented by MOVE through UNFPA financial support with close coordination of the Gender Directorate of the Ministry of Public Health in five provinces of Afghanistan (Nimroz, Daikundi, Bamyan, Baghlan and Kunduz). The project’s programs are includes the strengthening of health sector capacity and law enforcement agencies to prevent, monitor and respond to gender-based violence as well as provide humanitarian assistance for victims of gender-based violence for internal displaced people in Nirmoz, Baghlan and Kunduz provinces through active Mobile Health Teams

Capacity development and BCC for GBV prevention and response, strengthened capacities of health sector and law-enforcement bodies for the prevention, response and monitoring of gender-based violence and child marriage in targeted provinces,

The aim of this project is health response to GBV victims including psycho-social counseling and medical care of victims (sexual and physical violence) through 6 Family Protection Center, 3 Women Friendly Health Space, 3 Mobile Health Team and one Zero Point Clinic in border of Iran in Nimroz province. Most of the mentioned units are located in the center of each province and provincial and regional hospitals
Expected Outcomes:
The social justice of women, youth, minorities and vulnerable populations increases through improvements in government programs in enforcing existing laws and in advancing the government’s laws and policies on prevention, monitoring and responsiveness to gender-based violence.
Main Activities:

  1. Providing services for GBV Victims through Family Protection Center (FPC)
  2. Establishment of referral system between Family Protection Center (FPC) and BPHS/EPHS HFs for health sector response to GBV victims
  3. Implementation of human rights based on the health sector response to GBV
  4. Strengthen the capacities of health providers to refer, response and medical care of victims
  5. Conduction of community dialogues to eliminate GBV
  6. Conduction of Monthly Case Management Meeting among all provincial stakeholders
  7. Psych-social counseling through WFHS and refer of the cases to FPCs

GBV Client Satisfaction Survey:

This assessment planned in Jan 2019, in six provinces of Afghanistan (Laghman, Parwan, Kapisa, Daikundi, Jawzjan and Farah), the purpose of this assessment was to measure client satisfaction with the services received from the Family Protection Center to suggest changes needed for quality improvement.


  • To assess the level of client
    satisfaction and overall quality of GBV services in six targeted provinces;
  • To assess clients ‘perceptions,
    experiences including waiting time and expectations of outpatient services
    received from the selected Family Protection Centers;
  • To seek client feedback to
    establish whether standards of care were followed;
  • To identify client care issues of
    concern and opportunities for individual and system quality improvement;

Capacity Assessment for GBV Services:

In Jan 2019 UNFPA through MOVE Welfare Organization conducted the mentioned assessment in five provinces of Afghanistan (Khost, Paktia, Ghor, Faryab, Badghis and Samangan) which Health Net TPO implemented GBV projects, it was expected to have more information about the health sector capacity in these six provinces or whether specific areas (infrastructure and equipment, training of health staff, service provision, referral of GBV victims, reporting of GBV cases) needed to be strengthened, as well as a GBV KAP survey among women aged 10 to 49 years was conducted in these six provinces.  The report of this assessment describes the main findings of the Capacity Assessment study, while a separate report was written on the KAP study.


  • The overall study objective is to
    assess facility readiness for initiating and sustaining GBV response services
    in the six provinces.
  • The two specific objectives of the
    GBV Capacity Assessment are:

1. To identify challenges, barriers and existing capacities of health care facilities to strengthen responses to GBV, focusing on the following four domains:

a. Infrastructure and equipment needed for the GBV response b. GBV training needs c. GBV services and referral d. GBV Reporting

2. To review inter-disciplinary collaborations and inter-agency reporting arrangements between health sector and other governmental sectors, e.g. police and justice, and the community

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