Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program:

MOVE is implimenting the TSFP project with partnership of WFP in Bamyan and Badghis provinces. The overall goal of the project is to reduce incidence of mortality and morbidity related to acute malnutrition in children aged 6 to 59 months and pregnant and lactating women by improving their nutritional status through access to targeted supplementary feeding program.

MOVE is following the nationally accepted admission criteria of TSFP program for severely malnourished pregnant and lactating women and moderately malnourished under five year old children, MOVE distributed 420.789 MT food commodities (Wheat flour, Pulses, vegetable oil, iodinated salt, MNT and RUSF) for malnourished pregnant and lactating women and under five year children in four districts of Badghis and Bamyan provinces through 22 already selected HFs.


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