Basic Package of Health Services projects

 MOVE is implementing the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) projects under System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition (SEHAT) contracted by the Ministry of Public Health and funded by World Bank (WB) in Badghis, Kabul, Bamyan and Daikundi provinces. The projects ensure access to BPHS for 1,741,974,974 populations in these provinces throughout 9 district hospitals, 21 comprehensive health centers, 65 basic health centers, 47 sub health centers, 2 prison health, 2 mobile health team and 1343 health posts…..See More

Essential Package of Hospital Services

     The Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) projects in Nimroz and Badghis Provinces is contracted by the Ministry of Public Health and funded by World Bank (WB) under System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition (SEHAT)…..See More

Health Services and Promotion of Sustainable Livelihood

      MOVE with support of UNFPA have been implementing the provision of health services and promotion of sustainable livelihood project with a focus on reproductive health in Daikundi and Bamyan provinces since Feb- 2012. The project provides RMNCH services through Family Health Houses (FHHs) & Mobile Support Teams (MSTs) to the populations who live in very remote areas and don’t have access to BPHS, this project smoothly implemented through 47 FHHs, 6MSTs, 52 FHAGs and 23 Health Shuras to 107054 population lived in remote and underserved areas, the project financially supported by DFATD /Canada and UNFPA. The project was not only successful in achieving its direct objectives, indicators and quality of health care, but had very good and more effective impact on improving access, utilization of reproductive health services in underserved communities and promoting the women’s empowerment in the catchment areas of project…..See More

Improve Nutrition of Mothers, Newborns and Children Project

    MOVE has been implementing the INMNC project with partnership of Save the Children funded by DFATD- Canada since July 2013 in Daikundi province. The overall goal of the project is to improve nutrition status of mothers, newborns and children through a-community based approach. The project targeting cases of sever acute malnutrition among children without complication in OTPs (OPD-SAM) and with complication in SCs/TFU (IPD-SAM)…..See More

Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program

 MOVE is implementing the TSFP project with partnership of WFP in Bamyan and Badghis provinces. The overall goal of the project is to reduce incidence of mortality and morbidity related to acute malnutrition in children aged 6 to 59 months and pregnant and lactating women by improving their nutritional status through access to targeted supplementary feeding program…..See More

Maternal and Under-5 Nutrition and Child Health Project (MUNCH)

     MOVE is implementing MUNCH project with partnership of World Vision and funding of CIDA. The project aims to improve the nutritional status of mothers, newborns and under 5 years children through extended and sustained access and coverage of quality and equitable community and facility-based nutrition interventions and by contributing to the development of an enabling system that influences the outcomes of maternal, newborn and child nutrition in Badghis province. The conceptual framework is based on addressing the underlying causes of under nutrition at three different but interrelated levels, household/community, health facility and at system levels…..See More

 Community Midwifery Education Program

    MOVE with support of MoPH, UNFPA, WB and local authority established four CME schools in Daikundi, Badghis and Kabul provinces, with the commencement of the project, a committee from the relevant stakeholders facilitated the recruitment process of candidates to be enrolled to CME program for BPHS-HFs and FHHs. The MoPH selection criteria for the community midwifery education program applied, about 108 qualified ladies were selected for CME program to continue their education in CME- Schools….See More

Community Health Nursing Education Program

   The specific objective of the program is to train and deploy female community health nurses in rural under served communities of Badghis, Nimroz, Daikundi and Ghor provinces.

   The projects are funded by GF/HSS/MoPH and World Bank/MoPH implementing by MOVE with MoPH/GIHS standard criteria’s. Through the CHNE Program, about 113 female students trained for a period of 24 months on GIHS standard CHNEP curricula and deployed to BPHS –HFs of Ghor, Daikundi and Nimroz provinces, while 96 female students from Daikundi, Bamyan, Badghis and Kabul provinces have selected and enrolled to the program, they will be trained according to the curricula and deployed to BPHS-HFs of these provinces….See More

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