From 1st of September 2019, MOVE opened a four months CME program in Kabul. To cover the needs of community midwifes on Nuristan, Samangan, Badghis and Pakitika Provinces. MOVE technical teams with financial support of UNFPA/MoPH and direct support of local authorities selected the CME for new established FHH from relevant villages on mentioned province. Amongst the selected candidate’s all of them already passed the CME, to enable them for practical services through FHH a four-month refresher course has been planned in Kabul.
This refresher training planned for four months, during this period the project will provided all facilities for students. Upon completion, these trained midwifes will provide health service in related Family Health houses (FHHs).
MOVE outstanding experience of CME schools’ training’s during past decade and trained more than 200 CME students in different provinces made a possible way of having this project . Qualified trainers, standard curriculum, equipped laboratories and training halls are ready and the training running smoothly with theoretical and practical classes.